Now i was thinking of doing a new weekly segment here on Laura et La Vie (given it has a new name). So i was thinking of doing a weekly top 5 youtube videos of the week!
This will be posted every Sunday and then my normal post on a Tuesday!
Ok lets get started..
Im Laura and i really like Youtubers, if you have been around these parts for a while then you will probably have already caught on to that fact.
I think they have so much creative talent (depending who you watch) and all are really inspiring in the way they set out their videos and cope with the intense fan bases some of them have.
As an introductory post to this new little series on here (what should i call it... Youtube Vids of the Week? Youtuber Sunday?) i am going to list my top 10 Youtubers.. which a lot of you, I'm sure, will already know them, based on my twitter following!
First up is Dan Howell from the YouTube channel Danisnotonfire
Dan makes videos and sketches about his life in a comedic way and how much his life is a fail on a day to day basis.
He also has a second channel called Danisnotinteresting
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Secondly is Phil Lester from the Youtube channel AmazingPhil
Phil makes all sorts of videos that can be funny, sweet or meaningful! He has a really sweet personality and is a really enjoyable and easy-to-watch person. Aswell as living with, and being best friends with Dan, featured previously.
He also has a second channel called LessAmazingPhil
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Next up is Anna from the YouTube channel ViviannaDoesMakeup
Here she is on the left, she has a bubbly personality and her channel is all things to do with beauty, her lifestyle and fashion, along with her good friend Lily who will be featured in this post!
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Next up is Pj Liguori from the Youtube channel KickThePj
Pj is known for his extremely random and creative videos, he really puts effort into every single one of them. He also makes lots of short films which take months for him to plan and film. He is definitely a must watch!
He also has a second channel called PjTheKick
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Next, is Esteè from the Youtube channel EssieButton
Esteè is a beauty blogger who also vlogs about her life, and day to day things. She always explains things in a lot of detail and engages you with whatever she is talking about!
She also has a second channel with her boyfriend, Aslan and her dog, Reggie called Essiebuttonvlogs
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Next is Lily Pebbles from the Youtube channel LilyPebbles
Lily is a really down to earth person who is really into fashion and beauty, she also does weekly vlogs as well as Anna. Also, aswell as Anna, she has her own blog which she posts a new post every day!
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Next is Ingrid from Missglamorazzi
Ingrid is a really happy-go-lucky person who is always thinking up new ideas for DIY's or seasonal outfits, or even just a simple monthly favourites. She is really beautiful and has a personality that anyone would love to watch.
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Next is Niomi Smart from the channel NiomiSmart
Niomi is a really new beauty and fashion youtuber and blogger. She is really bubbly and has a really friendly personality which makes you want to watch more and more of her videos. She has already gotten a huge following!
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Next is Tanya Burr from the Youtube channel TanyaBurr
Tanya has a really loving personality and amazing at what she does. As she is a makeup artist and a fashion enthusiast, she always engages viewers in her tutorials and videos as she knows so much about beauty and makeup!
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Last but definitely not least is Zoe Sugg from the Youtube channel Zoella
Zoe is best known for her fashion and beauty hauls, funny challenge videos with her friends, and her Anxiety. She really helps a lot of young people with her makeup advice and her stories on how to try and get out of having panic attacks. She also has a really keen eye for fashion!
Her second channel is: MoreZoella
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Thankyou for reading this post!!
Normal post will be up on Tuesday at 3:30pm as usual!
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