A Walk in the Countryside

Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Earlier this week I went on a little walk with my friend Beth, in some fields close by and to a place we call 'The Brook'. It was one of the first sunny days that we have had this year after the big storms and floods and I really wanted to see what the storms had actually done, we found some broken trees and The Brook really has higher water levels. So as we live in the middle of the countryside in sunny England, we thought we would go capture the sunset, and the fallen trees in the mud, these are some of the photos we came back with!

Random picture of my feet

The inside of a tree that had fallen down

Beth's bright idea involving sunglasses

'The Brook'

Beth risking her life for a photo

I really liked the plane lines in the sky with the sunset

Broken tree from the storms and floods

 Taking photos of this sheep was hilarious, we were trying to edge closer without him moving and he just kept staring at us! I was trying to get a photo of him when he was eating but that wasn't possible haha

Much art

Such blur
He finally gave us a nice pose!

Beth walking through the mud

Weird tree things and Beth in mid-walk

 A swarm of birds were flying in the next field and they were looking at something on the floor so they kept swooping down to see what it was, and then they suddenly flew over us.. we definitely thought we were just about to be splatted on errrgh! Thankfully we wasn't! We brought home these photos instead!

The swarm
The birds in the distance.. by far my proudest photo in amongst the panic 

Beth laughing about nearly falling in

Fallen down tree

Me taking a picture of Beth taking a picture....inception

The Brook

Beth taking a picture

Me taking a picture

Me taking a picture again...

And again...

 And then it was time to take a stroll back home...

Beth's feet on a pipe.. just before she nearly fell off 
My feet
Beth's feet

Nearly home..

 So this turned into a quite a long one! I hope you liked it though! It was a really nice evening so I thought I would share it with you (if you got this far)

After getting home we went to the shop and bought sweets, soup and the new Company magazine Zoella is in... so much for burning off a few calories! Oops!

Do you live anywhere in the countryside?

Do you go on little walks like this from time to time?

Let me know in the comments:D


L A U R A  J E S S I C A


1 comment:

  1. hell yh live right in front of a farm ffs
    hell no do i like walking
