Friday, 24 October 2014

This isn't something that i normally do on my blog, but i thought i would switch it up a bit and point out some super useful tips that i have learnt and put into practise recently!

5 Ways to Make Your Life Awesome

Number 1 - Worry Less

Now this is super easy to say and not so easy to actually put forward, but some of the small things that we worry about like, for example, if we are going to miss a TV show just because we are out on a meal with our friends or family, it doesn't  matter! 

It is probably not going to end in any type of death or tragedy, just because you have missed the latest episode of something, and with the technology we have at the moment, it is basically guaranteed that we can find that episode somewhere again when we get home!

What I'm trying to say is that we all need to just worry less about the little things in life and just focus on the bigger and happier things that are happening/have happened!

Number 2 - Follow Your Dreams, No-one Else's

Whether you want to be a Beauty Therapist or even a World-Famous Singer, always follow YOUR dreams and no-one else's. It is easy for someone else to put you down for wanting to get into a job that is 'too hard to get in' or 'not your kind of thing'. It is also super easy for you to just give up on your dream too, and follow a more 'realistic' path.

This is totally untrue, if you don't try to do the thing that you want to do, then you will never know whether it is a possibility for you or not!

Number 3 - Try New Things

This is kind of linked to the last point. Always ensure that if you're given an opportunity, give it a go! If you don't like it, at least you aren't left wondering what it was going to be like and if you do like it, it could potentially be the best decision you have ever made!

With this in mind, challenge yourself! Even if you really want to do something, but you don't think that you will enjoy it, prove yourself wrong! Challenge yourself to face up to things and work hard at them to achieve them!

Number 4 - Be Complacent

Accepting that you have achieved something for a reason and being proud of yourself for it is a huge thing! Have you ever felt the feeling when your parents are showing off something that you have achieved to your family and friends, and you feel yourself getting slightly embarrassed? 

This should definitely not be the case! You obviously had this certain thing happen to you for a reason, whether you were working really hard for it or you indirectly did something to help someone. It all adds up and you need to be proud of yourself and flaunt it, rather than shying away from it.

Number 5 - Don't Ignore Moment for Technology

Do not sit around on your phone if you are in a situation that will make you come across as rude. I have actually witnessed people sit at a dinner table and literally not talk to the other people around the table. It is super ignorant and you are missing so many memorable moments that could have ended up being one of your favourites!

Im not saying you aren't aloud to take a photo of your meal or something, but to be on your phone for the entirety of an event is just plain rude and it could really drift you from your family or friends.

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I hope you enjoyed this slightly different post and i hope it helped some of you!


L A U R A  J E S S I C A


Thursday, 16 October 2014

If you know me in person then you will probably know that i am, and have been, an avid Lady Gaga fan for quite a while now... (6 years to be precise)

After seeing her perform live in Twickenham Stadium in London in late 2012, i definitely needed to see her again.

Two years, and just over a month, later i saw her again on the 15th of October for her 'artRAVE: The Artpop Ball' (which by the way is an incredible album).  She was absolutely incredible and one of the best concerts i have ever been to! The whole production of the show was flawless and she, as always, was one of the most genuine people i have ever been in the presence of, not to mention absolutely stunning also.

It is so amazing how she fights for things that she believes in. As she is a gay activist, i find it really special the amount of people who go to her concert that happen to be gay and also love her music. I think it is really important to have someone out there that is indirectly helping you move forward, and i love that about fans and idolising.

I definitely aspire to be something like her when I'm older.. and I'm not talking about all the talent and the fame.. what I'm actually talking about is all of her morals and the way she acts around her crowd, it is like her family. The majority of which, she has never met before. I think thats amazing that she can embrace everyone that she doesn't know just through an interest in one certain thing, which in this case happens to be music.

Woah, that got a bit deep there.. This is why i respect this woman so much and this is why i idolise her. She is honestly the only person i would use that word for!

Heres for the pictures :D 

Basically the moral of this unexpectedly deep blog post, is that you should not be afraid to be you, you should not be afraid to go for whatever you want in your life and you should embrace everyone around you who has an interest in that one thing, because you never know when you're going to need them!

Overall i had a fantastic time! I wanna give a special thanks to my bestie Chloe for taking me :) Thanks Cho

Love you all lots!


L A U R A  J E S S I C A


Thursday, 9 October 2014


Long time no see!!

I decided that i was lacking interest in blogging and it was becoming hard for me to think of any kind of post and i know that this effected the quality of the content of each post i created.. massively.

So i decided to lay off it for a while, i wasn't sure for how long either, so i just waited until i felt like i had more ideas than ever before!

And i think i might be ready for that again! I really want to stick at this whole blogging thing for a real long time now, and i am sure that i will be doing these for years to come!

Im not too sure about an upload day, as of yet but that will come when i get properly settled into college life again!

So.. Lets get back into the normal flow of things!

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Recently i made an order from Lush and it was the 'Lord of Misrule' bath bomb, and i was so excited that i literally started the bath running before the postman had even got here.. i know, the exciting life i lead haha!

As expected, it did arrive that morning and i unwrapped it so fast and popped it into the bath so quickly that i forgot to take a 'before' shot of the bath bomb itself (sorry)

But here how it reacted to the water!

At first it just turned the water slightly green, but then the pink magic started to flow out and my excitement was too much for a bath bomb

Oooo how fancy of you Laura.. Gifs!! 

Even my wee dog, Ben, wanted to eat it!! Unfortunately.. lush products don't taste as good as they look (i found out the hard way)

Overall i would really recommend this product! It is so affordable, at only £3.50, and really makes having a bath much more interesting! It also makes your skin amazingly soft and you smell amazing all day afterwards, its such a cosy smell!

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Thankyou for reading!

Leave a comment down below telling me what your favourite Lush product is! 
I am always open to recommendations!

Bye Bye! Happy Bathing :D

p.s i hope you like the new layout!! Im so happy with it :D

L A U R A  J E S S I C A
